Most people don’t believe a deal is possible, or even actively hope America’s announcement will derail any further negotiations on peace in the Mideast. “I wish for my children that this is true,” said Arieh King. “If Palestinians would get a state for themselves, it would be the biggest punishment for the Western world, the entire world.” For him, U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is a fulfillment of the messianic promise of the Hebrew Bible: “In the time before messiah will come, most nations will accept us as Jews returning us to our holy city … like the United States wants to do now.”
At best, said Yehudah Mirsky, an associate professor at Brandeis University who previously served in the Clinton administration and lived in Israel, this move will be a tangible affirmation of the United States’ support for Israel. “People have a hard time understanding why Israelis feel as insecure as they do, given Israel’s military prowess,” he said. “Israel is the only country in the world whose right to exist is talked about. This continuing charade of not recognizing the city it regards as its capital makes lots of rank-and-file Israelis feel like the deck is stacked against them.” Day-to-day life in the city might not change, he said, but “anything that lessens people’s sense of defensiveness here, and gives them a greater sense of self-confidence in their own future, is helpful.”
Regardless of your views of what is the best solution for the Mideast conflict, the one thing we are all facing is a major change. Change has always been constant, but it is now coming in rapid fire order, those that can’t adapt are going to be a touch uncomfortable…… Just like the Vietnam war era, this current time in history is a songwriter’s dream